Dopo questi video, come da titolo, la discografia di John Cage:
Sonata For Clarinet (1933)
Sonata For Two Voices (1933)
Three Easy Pieces (1933)
Three Songs for Voice and Piano (1933)
Composition for Three Voices (1933/34)
Six Short Inventions (1934)
Solo with Obbligato Accompaniment of Two Voices in Canon, and Six Short Inventions on the Subjects of the Solo (1934)
Quartet (1935)
Quest (1935)
Three Pieces for Flute Duet (1935)
Two Pieces for Piano (1935)
Trio (1936)
Five Songs for Contralto (1938)
Bacchanale (1938? 1940?)
Metamorphosis (1938)
Music for Wind Instruments (1938)
First Construction (in Metal) (1939)
Imaginary Landscape No.1 (1939)
Marriage at the Eiffel Tower (1939)
Fads and Fancies in the Academy (1940)
Living Room Music (1940)
Second Construction (1940)
Dance Music (For Elfrid Ide) (1941)
Double Music (1941)
Third Construction (1941)
And The Earth Shall Bear Again (1942)
Credo in Us (1942)
Forever and Sunsmell (1942)
Imaginary Landscape No.2 (March No.1) (1942)
Imaginary Landscape No.3 (1942)
In the Name of the Holocaust (1942)
Jazz Study (1942)
Opening Dance (1942?)
Primitive (1942)
The City Wears a Slouch Hat (1942)
The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs (1942)
Totem Ancestor (1942)
Ad Lib (1943)
Amores (1943)
Our Spring Will Come (1943)
Four Dances (1943)
She Is Asleep (1943)
A Room (1943)
Tossed As It Is Untroubled (1943)
Triple Paced No.1 (1943)
A Book Of Music (1944)
A Valentine Out of Season (1944)
Chess Pieces (1944)
Four Walls (1944)
Triple Paced No.2 (1944)
Prelude for Meditation (1944)
Root of an Unfocus (1944)
Socrate (1944/68)
Spontaneous Earth (1944)
The Perilous Night (1944)
The Unavailable Memory of (1944)
Crete (1945)
Dad (1945)
Daughters of the Lonesome Isle (1945)
Mysterious Adventure (1945)
Three Dances (1945)
Experiences I (1945)
Party Pieces (1945)
Soliloquy (1945)
Ophelia (1946)
Two Pieces for Piano (1946)
Prelude for Six Instruments in A minor (1946)
A Chant With Claps (1947?)
Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947)
Nocturne for Violin and Piano (1947)
The Seasons, a Ballet in One Act (1947)
Dream (1948)
Experiences II (1948)
In a Landscape (1948)
Sonatas and Interludes (1948)
Suite for Toy Piano (1948)
Works of Calder (1949-50)
A Flower (1950)
Lecture on Nothing (1950)
Six Melodies for Violin and Keyboard (1950)
String Quartet in Four Parts (1950)
Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1951)
Imaginary Landscape No.4 (March No.2) (1951)
Music of Changes (1951)
Haiku (1951)
Sixteen Dances (1951)
Two Pastorales (1951)
Seven Haiku (1951-52)
For M.C. and D.T. (1952)
4’33” (1952)
Imaginary Landscape No.5 (1952)
Music for Carillon No.1 (1952)
Music for Piano
Music for Piano 1 (1952)
Water Music (1952)
Waiting (1952)
Williams Mix (1952)
59½” For a String Player (1953)
Music for Piano 2 (1953)
Music for Piano 3 (1953)
Music for Piano 4-19 (1953)
Music for Piano 20 (1953)
45′ for a Speaker (1954)
31’57.9864″ for a Pianist (1954)
34’46.776″ For a Pianist (1954)
Music for Carillon No.2 (1954)
Music for Carillon No.3 (1954)
Music for Piano 21-36; 37-52 (1955)
26’1.1499″ For a String Player (1955)
Music For Piano 53-68 (1956)
Music For Piano 69-84 (1956)
Radio Music (1956)
27’10.554″ For a Percussionist (1956)
For Paul Taylor and Anita Dencks (1957)
Winter Music (1957)
Concert for Piano and Orchestra (1957-58)
Aria (1958)
Fontana Mix (1958)
Music Walk (1958)
Solo for Voice 1 (1958)
TV Koeln (1958)
Variations I (1958)
Indeterminacy (1959)
Sounds of Venice (1959)
Cartridge Music (1960)
Music for Amplified Toy Pianos (1960)
Solo for Voice 2 (1960)
Where Are We Going? And What Are We Doing? (1960)
Atlas Eclipticalis (1961-62)
Variations II (1961)
Parts from ‘Silence’ (1962)
Music for piano 85 (1962)
0’00” (4’33” No.2) (1962)
Variations III (1962-63)
Klangexperimente (1963)
Variations IV (1963)
Electronic Music for Piano (1964)
Rozart Mix (1965)
Variations V (1965)
Diary: How to Improve the World (You will Only Make Matters Worse) (1965-82)
Variations VII (1966)
Music For Carillon No.5 (1967)
Musicircus (1967)
Parts from ‘A Year From Monday’ (1967)
Reunion (1968)
Socrate (1944/68)
Cheap Imitation (1969)
HPSCHD (1969)
Song Books (Solos for Voice 3-92) (1970)
36 Mesostics Re and not Re Marcel Duchamp (1970)
Sixty-Two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham (1971)
52/3 (1972)
Mureau (1972)
Birdcage (1972)
Mesostics (1972?)
Etcetera (1973)
Series re Morris Graves (1973)
Empty Words (1973-78)
Empty Words (part III) (1973-78)
Empty Words (part IV) (1973-78)
Etudes Australes (1974)
Mushroom Haiku (1974)
Two Pieces for Piano (1935/74)
Child of Tree (1975)
Lecture on the Weather (1975)
Renga (1975-76)
Branches (1976)
Imitations II (1976)
Quartets I-VIII (1976)
Song, Derived from the Journal of H.D.Thoreau (1976)
Apartment House 1776 (1976)
Cheap Imitation (1977)
Inlets (1977)
Alla ricerca del silenzio perduto (1973/77)
49 Waltzes for the Five Boroughs (1977)
49 Waltzes for Tokyo (1977/..)
Freeman Etudes (1977-80/1989-90)
Writing through Finnegan’s Wake (1977)
Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegan’s Wake (1977)
Telephones and Birds (1977)
A Dip in the Lake (1978)
Chorals (1978)
Etudes Boreales I-IV (1978)
Some of “The Harmony of Maine” (1978)
Hymns and Variations (1979)
Laughtears (1979)
Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake (1979)
Stories in the style of Indeterminacy (1979)
What You Say (1979)
Furniture Music Etcetera (1980)
Litany for the Whale (1980)
Themes and Variations (1980)
Composition in Retrospect (1981)
Thirty Pieces for Five Orchestras (1981)
James Joyce. Marcel Duchamp. Erik Satie: An Alphabet (1979/82)
Postcard from Heaven (1982)
So That Each Person Is In Charge Of Himself (1982)
ear for EAR (Antiphonies) (1983)
Muoyce (1983)
Ryoanji (1983-85)
Souvenir (1983)
Thirty Pieces for String Quartet (1983)
Eight Whiskus (1984)
Eight Whiskus (1984) violin
Mirakus2 (1984)
Music For ________ (1984-87)
Nowth Upon Nacht (1984)
Perpetual Tango (1984)
ASLSP (1985)
But What About the Noise of Crumpling Paper (1985)
Sculpture Musicale (1985)
Sonnekus2 (1985)
The First Meeting of the Satie Society (1985)
Etcetera 2/4 Orchestras (1986)
Hymnkus (1986)
Thirteen Harmonies (1986)
Europera 1 & 2 (1985-7)
Voiceless Essay (1985-87)
Essay (1986)
Organ2/ASLSP (1987)
Two (1987)
Writings through the essay: On the duty of civil disobedience (Essay) (1987)
Art is Either a Complaint or Do Something Else (1988)
Five (1988)
Five Stone Wind (1988)
Four Solos for Voice (1988)
One (1988)
1O1 (1988)
Seven (1988)
Twenty-three (1988)
I-VI (1988-89)
Europera 3 & 4 (1989)
Four (1989)
Mesostic re Roberto Fabbriciani (1989)
One2 (1989)
Sculptures Musicales (1989)
Swinging (1989)
Three (1989)
Two2 (1989)
The Beatles 1962-1970 (1990)
Three Composed Improvisations (1990)
Four2 (1990)
Fourteen (1990)
Haikai (1990)
One4 (1990)
One5 (1990)
One6 (1990)
One7 (1990)
Seven2 (1990)
103 (1991)
108 (1991)
Europera 5 (1991)
Eight (1991)
Five2 (1991)
Five3 (1991)
Five4 (1991)
Five5 (1991)
Five Hanau Silence (1991)
Four3 (1991)
Four4 (1991)
Four5 (1991)
Lullaby (1991)
One8 (1991)
One9 (1991)
Overpopulation and Art (1991)
Six (1991)
Ten (1991)
Three2 (1991)
Twenty-Eight (1991)
Twenty-Six (1991)
Twenty-Nine (1991)
Two3 (1991)
Two4 (1991)
Two5 (1991)
Eighty (1992)
Fifty-Eight (1992)
Four6 (1992)
One10 (1992)
One11 (1992)
One12 (1992)
Seventy-Four (1992)
Sixty-Eight (1992)
Thirteen (1992)
Two6 (1992)
One13 (1992 – Incompiuta)